Given that the export pipeline was out of service during the second half of February, sales at Taq Taq and Tawke were down materially month-on-month at 62,091bopd and 73,124bopd, respectively. Sales into the local market from both fields were, however, invoiced at the wellhead export netback price, in line with the payment mechanism announced by the KRG on 1 February; this process helped limit the month-on-month reduction in revenues. Flows into the export pipeline resumed on 11 March.
Genel, as operator of Taq Taq received USD12.6 million for oil exports, down from January’s USD16.3million. An additional USD2.5 million payment has been made towards recovery of the receivable, down from USD3.2 million.
DNO, as operator of Tawke has reported receipt of USD11.29 million for exports, down from USD17.99 million in January. An additional USD2.17 million has been paid for past deliveries, down from USD3.46 million in January.