Saudi Arabia - joining the dots

A series of blog entries exploring Saudi Arabia's role in the oil markets with a brief look at the history of the royal family and politics that dictate and influence the Kingdom's oil policy

Showing posts with label Perupetro. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Perupetro. Show all posts

Wednesday, 10 January 2018

Tullow ventures into Peru

Tullow has farmed into Karoon Gas' 35% of Block Z-38 in Peru. This reduces Karoon Gas' interest to 40% with Pitkin Petroleum being a 25% partner. Tullow has acquired the 35% interest in return for: Funding 43.75% of the cost of the first exploration well, capped at US$27.5m (for 100% cost of well) after which Tullow will pay its 35% share; and US$2m payable upon completion with US$7million payable upon declaration of commercial discovery...