Saudi Arabia - joining the dots

A series of blog entries exploring Saudi Arabia's role in the oil markets with a brief look at the history of the royal family and politics that dictate and influence the Kingdom's oil policy

Showing posts with label Peshkabir. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Peshkabir. Show all posts

Saturday, 22 June 2019

Kurdistan steps up efforts to eliminate gas flaring

The Kurdistan Ministry of Natural Resources ("MNR") has asked the Shaikan field partners (Gulf Keystone and MOL) to re-submit a revised FDP for the field to address additional MNR requests on gas management. The next well planned on the field will now be used to assess the feasibility of gas reinjection into the Jurassic formation, rather than as an originally planned Jurassic production well. Whilst a key driver to be reservoir management and...

Thursday, 2 August 2018

All Tawke on Peshkabir: Is Tawke production declining?

The Tawke PSC encompasses the Tawke and Peshkabir fields. In 2017, operator DNO commenced production at Peshkabir and in 2018, drilled the Peshkabir-4 and -5 wells taking production up to 30-35mbopd. However, the limited disclosure by DNO means it is difficult to break out the production on the Tawke PSC between the Tawke and Peshkabir fields. Based on various disclosures between DNO and partner Genel, it appears that production at Tawke is declining,...

Monday, 22 January 2018

Kurdistan payments and new oil sales agreements

Kurdistan producers receive payment for October sales Gulf Keystone signs new oil sales agreement with the KRG DNO has reported a payment of USD54 million for Tawke production from the Kurdistan Regional Government. This is in respect of October oil deliveries. The payment will be shared between the licence partners WHO 75% and Genel 25%. Although there is a lag in payments between production and receipt, this is viewed as normal with October sales invoiced in November and approval by the Government in December with payment the following month....