Saudi Arabia - joining the dots

A series of blog entries exploring Saudi Arabia's role in the oil markets with a brief look at the history of the royal family and politics that dictate and influence the Kingdom's oil policy

Showing posts with label RED III. Show all posts
Showing posts with label RED III. Show all posts

Monday, 11 December 2023

EU (and UK) faces headwinds on higher hanging decarbonisation fruits

EU is ontrack to fully decarbonise power by 2050The EU is making good progress and remains the leader on decarbonisation. Focus over the past decade has been on renewable power installation which has been a massive success - only 61% of EU electricity was from renewable sources in 2022 with only 39% from fossil fuels. Power generation accounted for c.25% of emissions in 2021. With continued roll-out of renewables, which is now cost competitive with...