This week saw a disappointing well result in Rowallan and a mediocre result in Verbier.
The keenly watched wildcat drilled at the Rowallan prospect "was not found to be hydrocarbon-bearing”. The 22/19c-7 well was targeting 143mmbbl in a structural fault and dip-closed trap analogous to Total’s Culzean field 20km away.
The well encountered a 182m section of sandstone and shale after being drilled to a depth of 4,641m .
The Dundonald and Sundrum prospects, which are geologically similar to Rowallan, have previously been identified as potential drilling targets in the block but will now be “re-evaluated in the light of the drilling results”, Serica said.
Serica, with a 15% interest in the block, did not incur any costs for the well as it was fully carried following an earlier farm-out. Eni operates the block with a 32% stake, with remaining partners JX Nippon (25%), Mitsui (20%) and Equinor (8%).