Monday, 22 April 2019

Chevron-Anadarko: the overlooked jewel

As Chevron swallows up its USD50 billion acquisition of Anadarko, OGInsights turns its focus away form the heavily covered synergies in the Permian, DJ Basin and Gulf of Mexico, and towards its LNG portfolio as Chevron strives to join the ranks of the supermajors in LNG.

Chevron has a Australasia-centric LNG business, but Anadarko's 27% operated interest in Mozambique Area 1 now broadens the former's reach. The Mozambique position is a low cost, integrated LNG project in an ideal geography with reach into the European and Asian markets.

Area 1 is close to FID with c.9.5mtpa of its 12.88mtpa capacity already signed up. The stepping in of Chevron into Anadarko's shoes adds further weight behind the project. 

In February, it was noted that Anadarko had signed a 2.6mtpa LNG SPA with Tokyo Gas/Centrica
joint agreement with implicit destination flexibility which will help broaden Chevron's LNG marketing portfolio, although it is yet to fully launch its own trading portfolio like the Shells and Totals of this world.

The Area 1 LNG joint venture in Mozambique comprises Anadarko, Mitsui, ONGC, ENH (Mozambique NOC), Bharat PetroResources, PTTEP and Oil India. In addition to the Area 1 development, the Area 4 joint venture between Exxon and Eni is on track for sanctioning later in 2019.


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